
curtisscifres's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 113 (From 43 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 1,655 Points

Miami Shark

Medals Earned: 4/12 (125/500 points)

Apache 25 Points

Crush the Apache Helicopter

Mini 25 Points

Crush the Mini-Helictopter

Sheriff 25 Points

Crush the Sheriff-Helicopter

Beluga 50 Points

Crush the Airbus Beluga

LearJet 25 Points

Crush the Lear Jet

B2 50 Points

Crush the B-2 Spirit

B52 50 Points

Crush the B-52 Fortress

B747 50 Points

Crush the Boeing 747

Concorde 50 Points

Crush the Concorde

Ducks 50 Points

Kill 15 Ducks

Sailor 50 Points

Crush 95 Sailing Yachts

SpaceShuttle 50 Points

Crush the Space Shuttle

NG BBS Awards 2013

Medals Earned: 6/46 (30/400 points)

Sense-Offender 5 Points

Most Underrated

supergandhi64 5 Points

Funniest User

supergandhi64 X3 5 Points

Biggest Spammer

supergandhi64 X4 5 Points

Most Overrated

Wriggle 5 Points

Biggest Attention Whore

Xenomit 5 Points

Drama Queen

10 Trophies 5 Points

You clicked ten trophies! :D

24901miles 5 Points

Never Logs Off

A Trophy 5 Points

You clicked a trophy! :D

Amaranthus 5 Points

Wrote most of the motivations.

Bad Score 5 Points

Think of this as a consolation price.

Bahamut > FromADistance > Murray 5 Points

Worst Username Change

Cyberdevil 5 Points

Made the flash, wrote stuff, and then some.

exudaz 5 Points

Won Best Thread with 'Let's Play the DeviantArt Gamer'.

poxpower 5 Points

Worst Moderator

QualityX 5 Points

Won Best Photoshop Thread with 'Photoshop Patrick Star'.

SCTE3 5 Points

Arranged the BBS Awards 2013 and also...

stafffighter 5 Points

Best Moderator

Stamper 5 Points

I Miss Yew

supergandhi64 X2 5 Points

Rookie of the Year

supergandhi64 X5 5 Points

Worst Poster

TomFulp 5 Points

Master Creator

tox 5 Points

Most Improved

yurgenburgen 5 Points

Best Poster

100 Trophies 10 Points

You clicked a hundred trophies! :D

Good Score 10 Points

Not bad. Keep trying, you might get perfect!

1337 Trophies 25 Points

You clicked a thousandthreehundredthirtyseven trophies! :D

Great Score 25 Points

That's a great score!

Perfect Score 50 Points

You did it! Congrats! :D

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Night Lights: After Dark

Medals Earned: 7/15 (175/335 points)

Back to Basics 25 Points

Complete level 3

Here Again 25 Points

Complete level 1

Someone New 25 Points

Complete level 5

The Follower 25 Points

Complete level 7

The Platform 25 Points

Complete level 2

The Ride 25 Points

Complete level 4

Through the Floor 25 Points

Complete level 6

The Change 5 Points

Complete level 14

Up and Down 5 Points

Complete level 12

Come with Me 25 Points

Complete level 10

Final Trial 25 Points

Complete level 15

Hurry Up 25 Points

Complete level 13

Stay in Light 25 Points

Complete level 11

The Basement 25 Points

Complete level 8

The Killing 25 Points

Complete level 9

One Button Bob

Medals Earned: 2/8 (15/315 points)

First Kill 5 Points

Boomerang the bat on the first screen.

Stage 1 10 Points

Complete the easy round.

Bronze 25 Points

Finish with under 400 clicks.

Stage 2 25 Points

Complete the medium round.

Buttkicker 50 Points

Kill the boss.

Silver 50 Points

Finish with under 300 clicks.

Stage 3 50 Points

Complete the hard round.

Gold 100 Points

Finish with under 200 clicks.

Quietus II

Medals Earned: 4/10 (30/355 points)

Beginner 5 Points

Beat 5 levels.

Initiate 5 Points

Beat 10 levels.

Hopeful 10 Points

Beat 15 levels.

Middleman 10 Points

Beat 20 levels.

Finders, Keepers 25 Points

Open 20 chests.

Talent 25 Points

Beat 25 levels.

Worker 25 Points

Beat 30 levels.

Spelunker 50 Points

Beat 35 levels.

Angel 100 Points

Beat the game.

Dedicated 100 Points

Open all 40 chests.


Medals Earned: 1/16 (5/450 points)

Good Start 5 Points

Collect all energy in the first level

Secret Area 1 10 Points

Find the first secret area

Secret Area 2 10 Points

Find the second secret area

Destroy The Universe 25 Points

But before you do, think of all the kittens

Enemy Destroyer 25 Points

Kill all enemies in Normal Mode

Energized 25 Points

Collect all energy in Normal Mode

Rapid Shooter 25 Points

Kill 5 enemies in 5 seconds

Save The Universe 25 Points

Finish the game in Normal Mode

Secret Area 3 25 Points

Find the third secret area

Secret Area 4 25 Points

Found the fourth secret area

Secret Area 5 25 Points

Found the fifth secret area

Enemy Annihilator 50 Points

Kill all enemies in Hard Mode

Enemy Fall 50 Points

Make an enemy fall to his death

Re-Energized 50 Points

Collect all energy in Hard Mode

Save The Universe Again 50 Points

Finish the game in Hard Mode

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Ripple Dot Zero

Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/205 points)

Lab Rat 5 Points

You woke up, you were flushed, you escaped...

Moonwalker 50 Points

Completed the game

Ripple Dot Master 50 Points

Completing the game with good ending

Messiah 100 Points

All Ripples Rescued

Roar Rampage

Medals Earned: 2/8 (10/205 points)

Angry Dino 5 Points

Destroy 10 enemies without dying

Getting Started 5 Points

Complete first level

Weak Hit 5 Points

Score a x1 at the punch machine

War Machine 10 Points

Destroy 50 enemies without dying

Game Complete 25 Points

Complete the game

Total Destruction 50 Points

Destroy 150 enemies without dying

Rampage 100 Points

Destroy last boss without getting hit

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Shadow Tag

Medals Earned: 3/7 (15/85 points)

A Can named Jerry 5 Points

Pick up some fuel

Gotta Get Going 5 Points

Pick up your Keys

Rough Boys Play 5 Points

Be possessed by the warped little boy

Battery Powered 5 Points

Pick up a battery

Girly Tantrum 5 Points

Be possessed by the warped little girl

Meticulous Planning 10 Points

Find a Map

Slender Mode 50 Points

Beat the game and unlock 'Slender Mode'

Shark Lifting 2

Medals Earned: 3/33 (15/1,530 points)

Caribbean Reef Shark 5 Points

Lift a Caribbean Reef Shark!

First Flight 5 Points

Your very first flight!

Sandbar Shark 5 Points

Lift a Sandbar Shark!

First Ride 5 Points

Your very first ride!

Nurse Shark 5 Points

Lift a Nurse Shark!

Porbeagle Shark 5 Points

Lift a Porbeagle Shark!

Bignose Shark 10 Points

Lift a Bignose Shark

Getting Famous 10 Points

You got on the cover of Sharks Illustrated!

Goblin Shark 10 Points

Lift a Goblin Shark!

Shortfin Mako Shark 10 Points

Lift a Shortfin Mako Shark!

Silvertip Shark 10 Points

Lift a Silvertip Shark!

Blue Shark 25 Points

Lift a Blue Shark!

Lemon Shark 25 Points

Lift a Lemon Shark!

Salmon Shark 25 Points

Lift a Salmon Shark!

Sand Shark 25 Points

Lift a Sand Shark!

Bigeye Thresher Shark 50 Points

Lift a Bigeye Thresher Shark!

Bluntnose Sixgill Shark 50 Points

Lift a Bluntnose Sixgill Shark!

Bull Shark 50 Points

Lift a Bull Shark!

Copper Shark 50 Points

Lift a Copper Shark

Dusky Shark 50 Points

Lift a Dusky Shark!

Hammerhead Shark 50 Points

Lift a Hammerhead Shark

Pacific Sleeper Shark 50 Points

Lift a Pacific Sleeper Shark!

Perfect Crab Quiz 50 Points

Uncover 6 Crabs in a row!

Silky Shark 50 Points

Lift a Silky Shark!

Basking Shark 100 Points

Lift a Basking Shark!

Great Hammerhead Shark 100 Points

Lift a Great Hammerhead Shark

Great White Shark 100 Points

Lift a Great White Shark!

Greenland Shark 100 Points

Lift a Greenland Shark!

Hero Power 100 Points

Finish the game on brutal difficulty!

Longfin Mako Shark 100 Points

Lift a Longfin Mako Shark!

Megalodon 100 Points

Lift a Megalodon!

Tiger Shark 100 Points

Lift a Tiger Shark!

Whale Shark 100 Points

Lift a Whale Shark!